Tuesday 6 August 2013

Progress making!

I know these aren't great quality and I don't have a fabulous figure but this is sort of what this post is about. I was going to post this on Thursday but as I'm lonely and slightly bored I figured I'd go for it now.

I'm using this as a sort of progress track. I'll be doing this every month, not necessarily comparison photos but I'll put in my food intake for the month as well as exercise diary as like a downloadable document (so you're not all forced to trawl through it!). I've been going for a month and have lost a handful of pounds but I'm going to up the anti slightly. 

I'm not pleased with how I look and I'm not feeling good about posting these photos of myself - I'm actually pretty worried about the response I'm going to get - but maybe it'll spur me on to do better.

1 comment :

  1. lovely blog!

    would you like to follow each other?

