Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A Promise To Myself

Good evening lovlies! The first day of the new year is very nearly over and I've spent a lot of time contemplating the sorts of promises I'm going to make myself this year and that I plan to stick to for the next 364 days. Some will be pretty personal and some will be blog related - here goes!

1) Look after myself. I really think this may be the most important of the lot. I want to eat and drink well, be more active, enjoy my life and stop biting my nails again! 
2) Keep things with Ryan as great as possible. Some of you may know but today is our 2 year anniversary. We've had some ups and downs but we're still going strong and I'd like to keep it that way. This year I'd love for us to have even more adventures and good times - perhaps even take a short holiday at the end of the year.
3) Keep a diary. I've said this a few times before but this year I'm determined! I'd like one with full pages for each date so I can fill it with doodles and pictures. 
4) Start videoing. Yep! I'll be getting my new camera and I'll start to video. First perhaps not so regularly but once I get the hang of it who knows?
5) Schedule posts and blog more frequently. I'd like to get into a proper routine with my blog - daily posts if not every other day, scheduling for the week over my free weekends! I'd like to have more going on and hopefully will soon be totally revamping my site.

What promises have you made to yourself this new year?


  1. Keeping a diary is a great Idea. I used to keep one but I just stopped, I wish I'd carried on

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


  2. My promises are the exact same, even the Ryan one! Just obviously not the same Ryan! All the best for the new year!
    Shannon x
    Fangirls & Foundations
