Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Final Supercat Review

Happy Tuesday, beauties! The post birthday blues are officially over and I'm bringing you the second post of the day - the eyeliner I've been nothing less than raving about finally has its own review. There has always been something very special about Soap & Glory makeup that I absolutely adore, be it the cute packaging or the raves of reviews throughout the blogisphere.

When it comes to eyeliner pens and even eyeliners in general the worries for me are very few but very big deals. The first being colour - I want a black liner, not watered down grey. So how does Supercat fare? Amazing. In the past I've found liquid eyeliner to be very hit and miss, and if you're not willing to put yourself out of a small fortune the colour and formulas are never quite there. Supercat on the other hand at £6 defies all such rules. It seriously is a true black liner.

Another constant fret of mine is the actual pen itself. As much as I love my winged lids, sometimes all I want is a very slender line to add a little emphasis on my eyelashes. The trouble with this is you don't always get that sort of flexibility - you either have a thick nip or one so thin it'll take you hours to build it up to anything more. The nip on Supercat, however, is the perfect tear shape. Use the very tip as lightly as you like for a discreet line or press a little harder to build thickness - perfecto.

The only con I will stick on this is, if you're a watery eyed gal like myself you may find that it has a tendency to run slightly. Nothing a quick wipe wont fix, mind you. Soap & Glory's Supercat Eyeliner is definitely one I'll be repurchasing and if you're in the market for a cheap and cheerful eyeliner pen I suggest you do the same.

Don't forget I now have a Facebook page! Follow the link to like it.


  1. I've always eyed this up in boots but I never see any reviews about it! I think I'll give it ago, is it easy to remove? :)

    Lucy | a little of lucy

    1. Yeah it surprisingly is! I've used ultrabland, garnier's general makeup remover, coconut oil and L'Oreal's miracle oil on this on cotton pads and it comes up with very little effort yet lasts all day! Seriously recommend it :) and I've had it for months and it still hasn't dried up!

      Vickie xo
