Thursday, 7 November 2013

Monthly Favourites #1 | October

Good evening fellow bloggers and lovely readers! I've hopped back onto the monthly favourites bandwagon, only this time my intention is to stick with it. This time 6 products have made the cut, ranging from bath products right through to lip care. Hopefully soon I'll have my camera sorted and this monthly favourites can turn into a video! But I digress. 

 The first product I'm going to mention is a budget bubble bath I've really been enjoying recently, so much so that this will soon be in my 'empties' draw. It's Radox Moisture Soak and you can honestly get this everywhere for little more than £1, probably even less when it's on offer. If you're familiar with me you'll be well aware of my ode to Lush products, but sometimes I feel a little disappointed with the length of time the bubbles last. This, however, is a God send. It foams instantly and incredibly well and the bubbles last forever. Desperately need to get my hands on another bottle of this before it fully runs out.

Next I have a skincare products for you which I've kept pretty quiet about. I've been having so much trouble with my skin this past month, be it oiliness or dry patches appearing from nowhere to redness that even my NARS creamy concealer can't budge, I've had it all. This Johnson's Gentle Exfoliating Wash which I think I picked up for about £3 has saved my life, though. It contains all of the lovely softening ingredients of the other Johnson's products but also exfoliates all of those pesky dry patches away. It's held it's place in my skincare routine still, a week into November. 

I've also picked out a haircare product to share. An impulse purchase after hearing Anna from viviannadoesmakeup sing its praises, it's the Dove Express Treatment Conditioner which goes for £3.99 in Superdrug. I've been using this every time I condition my hair for a couple of months and it has worked absolute wonders. Definitely one I'm going to continue using into the winter months. Dry hair, be gone!

The first of the two makeup products is one I've talked about plenty - Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation. Little needs to be said as I've already talked this up in a previous post which you can read  here

Another product that I've recently hyped up is the Bourjois Cream Blush. I stopped using it for a short while as I got my hands on an old Barry M favourite, but this beauty is now back in action. I was wary of the bright coral shade but this is one that would be perfect for any skin tone and I've also already reviewed it here which makes my life a little easier.

Aaaaaand last but not least, yet another product I've previously discussed, Santa's Lip Scrub from Lush Cosmetics. I put it on my lips, I lick it off my fingers, I eat it - it smells divine and really works. These little pots last an absolute age too. I suggest you read this quick review and then go pick one up for yourself. 

What are some products that haven't left your side this month that you think I need to get my hands on? I'd love to hear about them.

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  1. The lipscrub is great - it's not as nice as my favourite the Bubblegum, but the ginger flavor is so unusual and really yummy! Xx

    1. I've actually only ever tried popcorn and this one, I do need to give the other two a try though!


  2. I haven't tried the bourjois cream blush or the lip scrub before, but it'll now be added to my next purchases! x

  3. Ooh I love the Dove conditioner too! Haven't used it for quite a while though! I'm with Charlotte, but I prefer popcorn! I wish they did more flavours, there's nothing that I LOVE yet!

    Tigerlily's Beauty Blog

